

Welcome to my website. It’s under renovation.

I wanna change everything!

Tenho um post ja pronto (e atrasado) no blog. Escrevi antes do Blogger dar tilt, e ainda bem que nao postei, senao teria ficado muito brava de perder.
Ia postar hoje... mas dai criei caso com o visual do blog. Nao estou nem um pouco feliz com ele!!!
Preciso mudar algumas coisas, mexi no template e ja nem sei mais, nao da pra fazer assim rapido... estah tudo horrivel!
Enquanto isso, fiquem com as fotos dos meus dois projetos na Oficina de Organizacao Scrapclass Brasil: o caderno costurado e o mini arquivo. A sala de aula desta oficina ficara aberta ate dia 10 de julho - ainda da tempo de se inscrever e aproveitar as 6 aulas, os extras e os descontos especiais para os alunos.
Agora sei que vou deitar pensando no blog... uiuiui... nao vejo a hora de ter um tempo de mudar MUITA coisa aqui!


I have a new post ready (and late) to be published. It was written right before Blogger was down for almost two days, leaving all bloggers insane... I was about to publish it now, but then I realize my blog design is awful... I'm not happy with it at all!!!! I have to change everything... I tried today, but no, this is a task that demands more time and planning... oh well...
Meanwhile, I'm showing the projects I'm teaching online at ScrapClassBrasil - the long stitch journal and a mini file. The classroom will be open till July 10th, so if you want it's still time to register and take advantage of 6 projects, bonus projects and exclusive discounts.
Now I know I'll go to bed thinking about the blog design, oh my... cant; wait to have some time to spend here changing everything!

Thank you for stopping by!



1,2,3... Scrap!